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Walk to Stock the Food Closet!

Get ready for the 7th Annual Auburn Interfaith Food Closet Thanksgiving Day Walk to Stock the Food Closet! There are lots of ways to help with this important ministry: 

– Sign up to man the St. Luke's tent at the event (7:00 a.m. set up, 8:00 a.m. registration begins) by contacting us. 
– Sign up for the 5K walk (9:00 a.m. start) or 10K run (10:00 a.m. start) on the Auburn Interfaith Food Closet website
– Donate food or money to the Auburn Interfaith Food Closet! Donations are always accepted in the bin at the back of the sanctuary, in the Parish Hall, or in the collection plate. 

What: Walk to Stock the Food Closet
When: Nov. 23, 2017
Where: Auburn Central Square (High Street and Lincoln Way)