Children and Youth 

We believe that learning, worshiping, teaching, and growing with children and youth of all ages is an important part of our faith life. There are opportunities for children of all ages to learn together at St. Luke’s.


St. Luke’s Children’s Chapel

St. Luke’s offers an age-inclusive Children's Chapel during the 10:30 a.m. service on Sundays. This program begins immediately after the Collect for the Day, and children and their teachers are dismissed directly from church.

Children’s Chapel consists of a child-friendly liturgy with candle lighting, Bible stories, and prayers. We believe that the words handed down to us in Scripture and our Prayerbook will shape the minds and souls of our students. Children’s chapel offers them a chance to engage directly with God’s word and to learn to pray on their own. Children will return at the Peace in order to celebrate Holy Communion with their families.

Curious parents, please know you are always welcome and invited! If you have any questions, please contact us to speak to Fr. Brian or Dr. Cat Rebholtz.

St. Luke’s follows all Safe Church policies recommended by the Episcopal Church, and parents are always welcome to attend chapel with their children. If you would like to learn more about these ministries, please contact us.


Children’s Worship Space 

St. Luke’s is a family-friendly parish that always welcomes children of all ages to worship during regular and special services. There is a special area for families in the last row of the church that provides a little extra room with books and toys for young ones at the 8:00 a.m. and the 10:30 a.m. Sunday worship and during special services. It is conveniently located next to the narthex, which has glass doors and can be used as a cry room during the service. 


Children’s Homily 

Periodically, children and parents are invited to remain in the sanctuary together and listen to a children’s homily at the Offertory. All children and parents are welcome to come forward and participate during this special preaching time aimed at children and families.