St. Luke’s Episcopal Church is entirely self-supporting and self-sustaining. Every year, our mission and ministries are funded by the generous financial support of our parishioners, friends and benefactors. This year, our Stewardship Campaign is “Abundant Joy, Overflowing Generosity.” This campaign is entirely lay-led and our hope is emerge as a church from the last two years of pandemic uncertainty with renewed energy and excitement to preach and live the Gospel in Auburn, CA.
Be Part of Something Great
There are several ways to help:
1) Set up a gift online. Setting up an online gift takes only moments. Your bank or credit card will automatically be charged weekly, monthly, or how ever often you designate. This allows you to easily track your pledge, and you never have to wonder about remembering to send a check.
2) Change your recurring gift. If you already give online, you will receive and email with instructions on how to give.