At St. Luke's, we strive to fill our Vestry and elected leadership roles through a process of mutual discernment prior to Annual Meeting. We do this by asking for nominations early (months ahead of time!) so those who are interested in serving on Vestry or attending Convention on behalf of St. Luke's have time to pray and discuss the responsibilities. If multiple people want to run for the same position, we bring those people into conversation and see if we can discern, prior to Annual Meeting, who should stand for election in the coming year. This process both builds up the parish (by avoiding contentious elections) and makes prayer, not voting, our priority as we seek new leaders. If you would like to serve on Vestry, or would like to nominate someone to serve, please speak to a clergy person or one of your Wardens.
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Earlier Event: December 6
St. Luke's Lending Library Needs You!
Later Event: December 6
Advent Christian Learning Series: A Deeper Advent