July-August Preaching Series: Wake Up Church! Lessons from Jude
The Epistle of Jude is one of the briefest books of the entire Bible, but it packs a spiritual punch. Written to a church in crisis, the letter is powerful call to all Christians to wake up and take our life with Christ seriously. The world, Jude reminds us, is awash with bad habits, false motives and hurtful lies, and quite often, these influences seep into our lives without us knowing. When they do, we can't ignore them or wait for them to go away. We must contend for our faith and invite the power of the Good News to set us free.
This is a timely message as we emerge from a difficult year filled with doubt, fear and disconnection. So, wake up, and join us on Sunday mornings in July and August as we hear the Word of God spoken to us through the words of Jude. May this little letter both challenge and comfort us in our walk with Christ this summer.