Worship is the heart of Christian faith and practice. At St. Luke's, we have four distinctive worship ministries for lay persons: Acolytes (who assist at the altar), Lectors (who proclaim the Scripture and lead prayer), and Ushers (who welcome worshippers and help oversee communion and the collection) and Welcomers (who are available to greet people after worship and help newcomers make connections). In early March, we will be holding a worship ministry workshop on two separate days: Sunday, March 3 at 12:00 p.m. and Saturday, March 9th at 10:00 a.m. This workshop will focus on the spirituality of worship and practical liturgical training for worship ministers.
If you currently participate in one of these ministries, please attend one of these events!
If you would like to participate in one of these ministries, please attend one of these events!
If you are merely curious about worship ministries, but do not necessarily want to commit in 2019, please attend one of these events!
RSVP to Bill Gausewitz, our Worship Ministry Coordinator, at: billgausewitz@hotmail.com