We're so happy to see you. 

We’re so glad to have you join us! We hope that St. Luke's can help you in your walk with God. 

We gather for Sunday worship at 8:00 am (contemplative, spoken worship) and 10:00 am (family worship with singing and Children's Chapel). On Wednesday nights at 7:00 PM we offer a contemplative, candle lit Centering Prayer service. 

Find out more about what we believe here.

If you have more questions or would like to connect with a member or our clergy, please feel free to contact us


What to expect on Your first sunday 

At St. Luke’s, you will see some people dressed casually and others dressed more formally. Wear whatever makes you comfortable. 

As you enter the church, an usher will greet you and hand you a bulletin that includes a visitor card and the order of service. Feel free to sit wherever you are comfortable. The area rug in the back of the church is reserved for families. Children of all ages are welcome to participate in worship in this space. After the service begins, the priest will invite the children forward to attend Children's Chapel. Parents are welcome to attend with their children, if they like. 

As worship begins, follow along in your worship bulletin and allow the flow of the service to carry you along. If you need help following the service, ask an usher or church member for guidance. They will be happy to assist you. 

Please fill out a visitor’s card and place it in the collection plate during the offering. Visitors and newcomers are never expected to contribute to the offering. 

All baptized Christians are welcome at Communion. If you wish to receive a blessing instead of bread or wine, come forward when the usher directs you and cross your arms over your chest. If you need help walking to Communion or would prefer to have Communion brought to you at your seat, an usher will be happy to help you. 


Tips for Newcomers

If this is your first time at an Episcopal Church, remember the following: 

  • Being here is enough. Nothing is demanded of you. If you want to spend the entire service sitting by yourself observing the service, please do so.

  • We worship with our minds, bodies, and spirits. This involves sitting, standing, and kneeling, as you are able. Just follow the rest of the congregation if you'd like to participate.

  • At Communion, an usher will approach the members of the congregation to signal when they should go to the Communion rail. All baptized Christians are encouraged to participate in the Eucharist.

  • We use real wine and wheat wafers; gluten free wafers are available. Ask the priest if you prefer this option.

  • There are several ways to participate in the Communion:

    • You may kneel at the Communion rail (or stand if you are unable to kneel), accept the bread from the priest and eat it immediately. When presented with the chalice, take a sip of the wine. Many studies have shown that the risk of transmitting germs from the common chalice is minimal.

    • You may hold the bread until the chalice is presented. The chalice bearer will take the bread from you, dip in into the wine and place it on your tongue.

    • You may eat the bread when it is given to you and then cross your hands across your chest.

    • You may cross your arms across your chest for a blessing instead of bread or wine.